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Year: 1951
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SKCS Yearbook 1951•38 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1951•38 South Kortright Central School Almedian


BACK ROW - Left to Right - Jean Travelle, Esther Dunham, Joan O'Blinsky, Richard Schaeffer, Barbara Berbrick, Helen Davis;

SEATED - Elva Dibble, Marilyn Doig, Fred Frey, Alice O'Blinski;

Absent - Leonard Scofield


BACK ROW - Left to Right - Dale Hadden, John Adams, Mr. Palm, Richard Laymen, David Martin, John Travelle;

FRONT ROW - Virgil Macalouso, Richard Hitt, Raymond Kearns, Hillis Johnson, William Kinsella, Charles Palm.

President: Kent Many
Vice-President: Hillis Johnson
Secretary: William Kinsella
Treasurer: Raymond Kearns
Reporter: Richard Hitt


F. F. A.

BACK ROW - Left to Right - Wilford Barnhart, Emmett Martin, George Potter, Donald Martin, Allan Frazier

SECOND ROW - Fred Frey, Don Smith, Arthur Shelley, Mr. Palm, Lewis Briggs, Seth Chichester, Joseph Dusavage

FRONT ROW - Lloyd Martin, Larry Cairns, Arnold Dibble, Jesse Wheeler, Wilhelm Sander, Robert Bligh.

Our officers for the present school year are as follows:
Jesse Wheeler - President
Arnold Dibble - Vice president
Wilhelm Sander - Secretary
Lawrence Cairns - Reporter
Lloyd Martin - Treasurer
Robert Bligh - Sentinel
Emmett Martin - Historian
Albert Palm - Advisor

Blue and Gold

Learning to do
Doing to learn
Learning to serve
Serving to learn

The South Kortright Dairy Boys chapter of Future Farmers of America composed of 18 members in school and 2 out of school have had a very successful year.

They started the year off with a summer meeting with their dads invited. The chapter's activities at the Walton Fair won over $150 in premiums. Lewis Briggs represented our chapter at the state F. F. A. camp.

Wilhelm Sander and Jesse Wheeler represented our chapter at the National F. F. A. Convention at Kansas City. At the convention our chapter won a bronze plaque and certificate in the National Chapter Activity Contest. This is the forth consecutive year our chapter has been one of the two chapters to represent New York State in the above contest.

For the first time the F. F. A. boys held a dance with the F. H. A. girls and made a profit. We also sold over $300 worth of Xmas cards.

During the fall we submitted entries in the state Dairy Herd Management and Poultry Management contests and we also submitted an entry in the state Tractor Maintenance contest. We have sent in for applications for the Dairy and Poultry contests again this year. At present we are planning to enter the county judging contest, put on an assembly program, and have our annual Father and Son Banquet. We have two members making out applications for the Empire Farmer Degree.


The 1951 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1951 Almedian