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Year: 1934
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SKCS Yearbook 1934•14 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1934•14 South Kortright Central School Almedian



Class Prophecy

About a month ago, in June, 1974, my wife and I climbed into our new fandangled airplane to take a long trip to U. S. Our first hop was from our farm in southern France, where we raise Jerseys, to Paris. Of course, we left the children to run the farm.

In Paris when we went into a style show to get some clothes, low and behold, there was Ken Canfield selling ladies' clothes and shoes--he would!

After we had landed at Roosevelt Field in New York, I sent for a taxi in which to go to see the city. When the taxi drove up, the driver said "Get right in, Mr. Rich." I wondered who it could be. After looking him over I recognized Leland Ploutz. He took us to his nice little home outside the city where he and Effie Roberts were living very happily. Effie had divorced one husband from Massachusetts and had soon settled down with Leland. Effie told me that Chanie Gregory was coaching a girls' basketball team in New Jersey.

From New York we flew to Hobart. While flying over the town and the vicinity I saw written on a large building "Post's Poultry Farm." By the looks of the number of hens he had gone into the business in a big way. On stopping in Hobart I learned that Edna Simmons was still teaching school. One more year and she will be getting a pension. Charles Mawhinney had married and was working a farm in South Kortright. He had a couple of little "Maw-whinneys" running around.

From Hobart we went to Washington to see Miss Edith Platt, the first woman President. We stayed in Washington to see Kermit Cantwell's baseball team in action. His team came down from New York to play the Senators.

On our way to Florida we flew over an open air ampitheatre where I saw John Baldinger, the one and only big price fighter since Primo Carnera. We stopped to see him in his old age.

From Florida we headed west. Our first stop was in Nebraska where we stopped to see Don Garton and Emma Weeks. Don and Emma were running a farm there and raising a large family.

Finishing our western tour, we stopped in Hollywood to see Peachy Barber, who was working for Paramount. He told me that Ted Carson was around there somewhere curling hair for the movie folks; that Isabelle Pogue had just left a week previous. She was headed for India, where she is taking up missionary work.

Last, but certainly not least of our old class of '34, was Ruth Canfield, whom we saw on our return trip. She is spending her time at a very famous night club where she tap dances and sings.

At the age of 58 I saw all the classmates of '34 in all sorts of places, doing all sorts of things, all being of sound mind and body -- a wonder after the year 1934.

--Thomas Rich



The 1934 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1934 Almedian