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Year: 1924
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SKCS Yearbook 1924•14 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1924•14 South Kortright Central School Almedian

ANNOUNCEMENT, 1924-1925 11

independence was fostered by many scholars taking up various projects such as sweing, poultry and gardening by which the scholars received one Regents point upon its successful completion. Several scholars also won Regents credits in the course of applied music which has been very capably carried on by Mrs. Nellie B. Kniskern. The course has been approved at Albany. Three credits are earned by the completion of this course. Several also earned Regents credits by orchestra practice.

Through the courtesy of the business men in the village nerly one hundred dollars in prizes are given to the scholars in the grads and High School for excellence along various lines. We are deeply grateful to them for their interest in the welfare of the school. By this means the scholars are spurred on to greater efforts, which helps wonderfully to maintain the high standards which the school now possesses.

It is the belief of the Board of Education, parents and teachers that there should be a proper correlation between studies, athletics and social activities. Although we are heartily in favor of these outside activities, yet we do not intend that they be carried to excess to interfere with their studies. We feel that the school spirit has been very much enlivened by base ball, basket ball, tennis, and the use of the giant stride, see-saw, trapeze arrangements, vaulting apparatus and swings which have been so generously privded by the patrons of the school. That the scholars appreciate these is evidenced by the fact that they are in almost constant use when the school is not in session. High scholarship is required of all who wish to be members of an athletic team. Few schools attain as high an average in their lessons as ours.

Last fall a tennis tournament was participated in by fifteen boys and successful contests were held with Stamford and Roxbury.

In the fall and winter the High School basket ball



team is allowed to practice only one night in the week and then only for one hour, and the Board of Education has very judiciously limited the use of the gymnasium for social activities on basket ball nights to eleven o'clock and on other nights to twelve o'clock, and in addition these activities are arranged at the week end. In these ways their studies are not interfered with and scholarship is placed first.

A course of religious education has been carried on during the year in both grades and High School upon the initiative of all the denominations in the community. The Board and teachers have all co-operated commendably beliving that one object of education is to build character.

Our new school building is admired by all visitors to Hobart. It shows that the community is progressive and wide-awake. The Board of Education and all the people of Hobart can well congratulate themselves that they now have a school building which contains an auditorium 60x40 feet that will hold an audience of 400 and large enough for the accomodation of all the people who wish to attend any of the school functions; also a building equipped with the latest facilities for doing work. It is indeed a pleasure for teachers and scholars to work in such a splendid environment.

An excellent school spirit has prevailed throughout the school year. Teachers and students have co-operated in a splendid manner and I wish to take this opportunity to thank them.

The Board of Education has manifested a very kind, helpful and encouraging attitude. The patrons of the school, generally, have also shown a favorable interest. It is to be hoped that this condition may continue and that even better results for the Hobart High School may be realized. Our chief aim in education is to develope character and to so educate the scholors that they can adapt themselves successfully to whatever environment


The 1924 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1924 Almedian